The former president Jimmy Carter lives in a house worth $210,000 and shops at the local Dollar General

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Born on October 1, 1924, in Plains, Georgia, James Earl Carter Jr.’s journey embodies humility and a lifelong dedication to serving others. Despite a prosperous business upbringing, he embraced public service, leaving his mark in the military, presidency, and post-presidential life.

Raised in Plains, Georgia, by his businessman father James Earl Carter Sr. and nurse mother Bessie Lilian, Carter attended a local high school from 1937 to 1941, setting the foundation for his future.

Following his father’s example in the U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps, Carter joined the Naval Academy in 1943. Here, he met his future wife Rosalynn, their lasting connection chronicled in “What Makes a Marriage Last.”

Married in 1946 after Carter’s Naval Academy graduation, the couple prioritized family and their peanut business. Even after his presidency, Carter chose a modest lifestyle, living in a ranch-style house he built in 1961, declining to exploit his presidential status for financial gain.

Unlike others, Carter didn’t seek wealth post-presidency, stating, “It just never had been my ambition to be rich.” He lived frugally and relatably, shopping locally and choosing commercial flights.

James Earl Carter Jr.’s legacy is one of modesty, commitment, and humility, reminding us that true service extends beyond power and prominence.

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