Actress Candace Cameron Bure Defends Playful Photo with Husband, Valeri Bure

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Actress Candace Cameron Bure, beloved for her role in the TV show ‘Full House’, recently received criticism after sharing a photo with her husband, Valeri Bure. Despite the backlash, Candace stood up for their relationship and defended the image.

In a heartfelt Instagram story, Candace addressed her Christian fans who found the photo inappropriate. She explained that the playful touch from her husband was a testament to their strong and healthy marriage. Candace expressed, “We have so much fun together… This is what a healthy, good marriage and relationship is all about.”

Candace and Valeri, a former ice hockey player, have been married since 1996 and are proud parents to three children. On their 20th anniversary, Candace acknowledged the challenges they’ve faced throughout their journey, celebrating their enduring love.

Receiving criticism for the photo didn’t deter Candace from confidently affirming her stance and refusing to apologize. She stated, “I’m sorry if it offended you…but I’m actually not sorry. I’m glad that we have fun together after so many years and he can touch me all day long.”

Candace’s response reminds us of the significance of maintaining a strong connection and having fun in a long-term relationship. Her message resonates with couples of all ages, emphasizing the importance of cherishing each other and finding joy in the simplest moments.

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