New Poll Shows Trump Besting Biden By HUGE Numbers Post-Conviction, Republicans Are More Likely To Support Him After Verdict

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On Wednesday, the New York Times and Sienna College released an explosive new survey showing presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump besting Joe Biden in a hypothetical two-way presidential contest. This comes after millions of Americans have thrown their support behind the 45th president, as Joe Biden’s reelection campaign continues struggling to generate real momentum.

The poll, which covers the period from June 20 to June 25, shows Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by four points among likely voters—grabbing 48 percent of the vote compared to Biden’s measly 44 percent. Moreover, Trump has an impressive six-point lead among registered voters, beating the incumbent president by six percentage points. Trump maintains his 48 percent support, while Biden’s support drops to an abysmal 42 percent.

This represents a three-point shift towards Donald Trump following the last New York Times/Sienna release. Even more impressively, most voters admitted that Trump’s conviction in the sham Manhattan hush money trial did not affect their vote. “In the first Times/Siena poll since the former president’s trial ended with a guilty verdict on May 30, more than two-thirds of voters said the outcome of his Manhattan criminal case made no difference to their vote. Roughly 90 percent of Republicans still view Mr. Trump favorably. And among the relatively small slice who said the conviction would make a difference in their vote, Republicans said the outcome would make them likelier to support him than oppose him by a roughly 4-to-1 margin,” the New York Times


Fortunately for America, this is just one of several polls showing Trump remains a potent force to win the presidency in 2024, and, as such, he has a great chance to reimplement a truly potent and America First agenda. The Real Clear Politics polling average has him besting Joe Biden in nationwide polling in recent months, despite the fact that Republican presidential candidates can generally afford to underperform in the popular vote while still winning the election – as they did in 2000 and 2016.

As such, it stands to reason that the radical, far-left Democrats would use any means necessary to gain a much-needed political advantage – including indicting their most likely political opponent. But if Republicans sell their agenda and effectively criticize the Biden administration’s America Last policies, the sky is the limit for Republicans in 2024 — and our nation may very well depend on it. That means rallying around an agenda that is widely popular with Americans — an agenda that stands up for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all.

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