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I’m really sorry to hear that you’re feeling hurt by your son’s comment. It’s completely understandable to be affected when someone you care about makes a critical remark, especially about something that brings you joy. Let’s explore this further.

You mentioned that you’re 75 and that red lipstick is something you love. It’s important to remember that personal style and the way you choose to express yourself should be guided by what makes you feel happy and confident, not by someone else’s opinion. Red lipstick is a classic choice and can be worn beautifully at any age. It has a timeless elegance and can be a statement of confidence and vitality.

Your son’s comment seems to reflect more about his perspective rather than a universal truth. It’s possible he might not fully understand how much red lipstick means to you or the joy it brings you. Sometimes, people can make unkind remarks out of their own insecurities or misunderstandings. It’s important to remember that your self-worth and style are not determined by others’ opinions.

If you love wearing red lipstick and it makes you feel stylish and happy, that’s what truly matters. Embracing your style and expressing yourself is a personal choice and one that you should feel free to make without feeling pressured to conform to someone else’s expectations.

It might be helpful to talk to your son about how his words made you feel. Communication can sometimes help bridge the gap between differing perspectives and can help him understand why this issue is significant to you.

Ultimately, the decision to wear red lipstick—or anything else you enjoy—is yours. It’s about celebrating who you are and what makes you feel good. Red lipstick can be a beautiful symbol of confidence and individuality at any age.

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